Puerto Octay

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EsquiadoresPuerto Octay is a picturesque town of 3,500 inhabitants at the sheltered, northern shore of Lake Llanquihue, the largest of ten beautiful lakes. Puerto Octay has a protected bay that is excellent for water and other sports against a spectacular background of majestic snow-capped volcanoes that make our area unique in the world.

The influence of German colonization that took place in the mid-nineteenth century dominates local architecture. Beautiful native wooden houses with manicured lawns are often found beside the road and in the vast and rugged prairies where large herds of cattle graze.

cascadasThe surroundings merge from the green, rolling hills around lakes Rupanco and Llanquihue, through to the lush rainforests of the Andes. This beautiful environment provides opportunities for many outdoor activities such as walking, hiking, mountaineering, horse-riding, mountain-biking, sailing, fishing and canoeing. Furthermore, the traditional way of life and breathtaking scenery may provide the necessary inspiration for drawing, painting and photography.

Tour of historic buildings in Puerto Octay

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[ES] Compensación de la Huella de Carbono ocasionada por actividades turísticas, mediante plantación de árboles nativos.

[EN] One tourist one tree, in your name we plant native trees in protected areas, to compensate the CO2 footprint caused by our guests.

[DE] Ein Tourist ein Baum, um Ihren CO2 Ausstoss zu kompensieren, pflanzen wir für Sie einheimische Bäume in geschützten Gebieten.